It is the bad habit of believing theologians to discount or desire to transcend the Sacred Humanity of our Saviour. Dabbling in dualism is an unfortunate consequence of the Fall. And while one need not exaggerate Christ’s human nature through which He suffered and died at the expense of that Divinity through which He molded and formed it, it is nevertheless important to remember that His flesh lives on in time and space. Some Christians cannot fathom this since they are possessed by an excessive determination to keep the uniqueness of Christ crucified and resurrected at a comfortable distance, lest, so they congratulate themselves, the Divine other become tainted and tarnished through extended human contact. They think themselves noble. They are more likely driven by fear. For should the Divine other be allowed to rule and govern their lives, they quake with trepidation at the thought of what it might cost.
And yet, the Christian must ask, what good is Christ if He is not dwelling in us and we in him? The world is replete with the histories of dead heroes who couldn’t save themselves or others. Another lost innocent yields doesn’t do a man much lasting good. If Christ is anything at all He is that Divine love or charity that longs to live in men’s hearts. He is that Word of Love which the Almighty Father always intended should move and define human nature, always being made flesh in human life. He is the Word of Love that is made flesh in all of creation as the meaning that rules and governs all things. And He is that Word of Love that longs to be made flesh in the hearts of new friends who through Him will find reconciliation with our Heavenly Father. Those who believe are very members incorporate in [His] Mystical Body, and the blessed company of all faithful people. (BCP: 1928, 83) The proof of this incorporation can be sustained only as believers habitually suffer and die through Jesus Christ’s Sacred Humanity. Only then can He begin to reign as King Supreme from the thrones of their hearts, as then...well yes,..the Divine Other so possesses the flesh His people, that he crowns their fallen creation with the victory of His salvation. Comments are closed.
St. Michael and All Angels Sermons: