![]() True and False Confidence Such trust have we through Christ to God-ward: not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God….(2 Cor. iii. 4.) THE Apostle treats of three things in these words. Firstly, he treats of the faith of the Saints, Such trust have we. Secondly, he shews on whose account there is this trust. Through Christ. Thirdly, he shews in whom the Saints have trust, To God-ward. Notice that this trust is twofold, both good and evil. The good trust is of the Saints or of the good men; but the evil trust is the confidence of bad men or of sinners. Good men are made good by the Grace of God alone. Bad men are made bad or sinful by its absence. I. But the trust of the good, as gathered from the text, consists in seven things.
(6) In the blood of Christ. Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way. (Hebr. x. 19) Now in addition to fear of the Lord, prayer, consecration of our bodies, souls, and spirits to God, almsgiving, and keeping the Law, we must surrender to the Lamb of God, God’s only Son made flesh, Jesus Christ, the Propitiation for our sins, if we would perfect our trust and confidence in God. Jesus Christ has broken down the wall or partition that separates and alienates us from the presence of our Heavenly Father through ‘His one oblation of Himself once offered as a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction for the sins of the whole world.’ Through the shedding of His blood, once for all on Calvary Hill, we are welcomed into the death of sin, death, and Satan in our lives. And yet this offering and gift of God in His only Son is not automatically or magically applied to the lives of all men. Not all men will be saved. Only those who enter into the effects and merits of His death will be saved. Only by entering into His death and welcoming His death into our lives can we be saved. Only when His death becomes our own can our trust and confidence in the Father be perfected truly. This means that as He died unto sin once, so through the effectual operation of His Holy Spirit, we should be dead to sin also and alive unto righteousness through His Resurrected and Ascended Being.
II. In like manner the trust of the wicked consists in seven things, which are to be gathered from the text.
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